Writing and the real world
Writing isn't easy. Neither is the, apparently, simple task of living. Really, it's a never ending circle that leads you nowhere.
Write a book.
Agree to extra shifts at work to earn extra money to publish and promote the book.
Earn a few hundred dollars from the sale of your book.
Work extra shifts to promote again.
Bookbub approves your free promotion.
OMG! 14000 downloads. (Rubs hands together in glee). However they are 14000 FREE downloads.
Work extra shifts for more promotion.
Write another book - however, you are working so much that you don't have time to write.
And around and around it goes.
I'm off to write a book...or am I off to do extra shifts? Oh...who knows. By the end of either I'll have no money 😂😂😂
Take care